#Pokemon sun hapu trial full#
Poke Ball - Great Ball - Ultra Ball - Potion - Super Potion - Hyper Potion - Max Potion - Full Restore - Revive - Antidote - Paralyze Heal - Awakening - Burn Heal - Ice Heal - Full Heal - Escape Rope - Repel - Super Repel - Max Repel - Honey - Poke Toy - Adrenaline Orb PokeMart Items (Throughout Game Progression): The Island Trials are small challenges set by various leaders around Alola to help trainers participate in the Island Trial Challenge, and you cannot capture any Pokémon during the trial. There are some altered and new trials, as well as new Totem Pokémon. Nugget (Post Game) - Defeat Sightseer Marcus In Pokemon Center The Island Trials make a return in Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon but with a change. Psychic Seed - Show Woman In Southwestern Boat Alolan Exeggutor Smoke Ball - Show Woman In Southwestern Boat Salazzle

Paralyze Heal - Show Woman In Southwestern Boat Magneton Lucky Punch - From Rising Star in Steelix Boat Heart Scale - From Hapu After Purchasing Zumongous Z-NoodlesĪloraichium Z - Show Veteran In Steelix Boat Alolan Raichu Rainbow Flower - Complete Captain Mina Trial Pink Petal - Defeat Captain Mina During Her Trial You will then head off to Hapu's house.įishing Pokemon (Levels 10-44): Magikarp(55%), Wailmer(40%), Dhelmise(5%)įishing SOS Pokemon #1 (Levels 10-44): Gyarados, Wailord, Dhelmiseįishing SOS Pokemon #2 (Levels 10-44): Magikarp, Wailmer, Dhelmiseįishing Bubble Spots (Levels 10-49): Magikarp(40%), Dhelmise(35%), Wailmer(25%)įishing Bubble Spots SOS Pokemon #1 (Levels 10-49): Gyarados, Dhelmise, Wailordįishing Bubble Spots SOS Pokemon #2 (Levels 10-49): Magikarp, Dhelmise, WailmerĬaptain Mina (During Trial) - Level 51 Mawile, Level 51 Granbull, Level 51 Ribombee She can't help you with finding the Kahuna, but she believes Hapu, who lives on Poni Island, can help. You and Lillie will be dropped off in Seafolk Village, quickly running into Captain Mina. Walkthrough: After the events that unfolded at Aether Paradise, Gladion will give you and Lillie a ride to Poni Island in hopes of finding the Kahuna so they can help you find the second flute.