Later levels become particularly devilish as electrical booby traps Levels become more unpredictable with tougher enemies, meaner trapsĪnd a greater demand on your timing and reflexes become the norm. You start out learning andĪcclimatising yourself to the game’s move set, but gradually the Myįriend Pedro is mayhem incarnate and is aįriend Pedro does a sound job of throwing newĬaveats at you in every level. Mayhem all over the place, running over hapless unaware foes. Skateboard, then rolling it down a path to cause more ballistic
Jump up and grab the zip-line hook, riding along whilst spraying Uziįire at surrounding enemies, then getting off to kick a grunt with a Into goon torso in slow-motion as you witness their guts puncturingĪnd claret splatting uncontrollably out of them, then proceeding to Nothing beats the madcap tempo of firing some introductory rounds Slowing down time to chainĬombos together is the kind of compulsion that you get when you eatĬhocolate, you just want to keep racking up kills and maximising yourĬombo counts so you can be pleasantly graded at the end of a level. Which you can pull off awesome manoeuvres and bamboozle your enemies The frenetic and energetic beats of the gameplay and all of theīells and whistles you learn from the outset give you many tools with Impulsive pleasure you’ll find when you click R3 to slow down timeĪnd witness blood sploshes ripping out of enemy torsos never gets It lasts although it’s lacking in proper substance beneath the Is a bombastic and ostentatious treat that’ll easily impress while Oozing with inspiration like the gooey cheese as you slice into baked – a super-stylish, quirky and unorthodox ode to films The Matrix and